Povijest promjena na ove web stranice (nepotpuna prije 7.mj.2007.)
History of the changes on this website (incomplete before july 2007.)

Radi lakšega snalaženja na ovoj web stranici dodana je ova rubrika 09.08.2007.
Because of the easier navigation on this website this column has been aded on 09.08.2007.

-stranica postavljena na internet
-page setup on the internet

-dodana podstranica o bivšem RP-u Gola Plješevica, "Radarski položaj Plješevica"
-added subpage about the ex.radar site on Mt.Gola, "Radar site Pljesevica"

-dodana neke slike i YT video snimke na podstranicu "Aerodrom nekad"
-added some pictures and YT video on the subpage "Airfield before"

-dodan foto-video materijali (snimljeni u 10.mjesecu 2006. na vrhu Gola Plješevica) na podstranicu ""Radarski položaj Plješevica"
-added photo-video footage (recorded in october of 2006. on Mt.Gola) on the subpage "Radar site Pljesevica"

-vrlo velika nadogradnja stranice sa foto-video materijalima snimljenima u podzemnom dijelu objekta Klek, dodana interaktivna karta sa fotografijama podzemnih tunela
-very big update with photo-video footage recorded inside of the underground facility Klek, aded interactive chart with photographs of the underground tunnels

-dodana podstranica sa osobnim slikama Kanadskih vojnika koji su služili u međunarodnim NATO & UN snagama u BiH
-added subpage with personal pictures of the Canadian soldiers whe served in the international NATO & UN forces in Bosnia

-dodana shema kontrolnog tornja, dodan prijevod na engleski
-added scheme of the control tower, added english translation

Tokom cijeloga perioda do ove točke konstantno su dodavani foto-video materijali, ali gdje-kada-što je skoro pa nemoguće popamtiti, pa nije evidentirano.
Nadalje će se voditi što detaljnija evidencija.
During whole period to this point photo-video recordings are constantly added but it's almost impossible to remember all information where-when-what so many details are not in this list.
In the future I'll try to run more detailed list of the changes.

-dodana 2 videa; "Mig21-JRV-125.th fighting SQDN (2)" i "Željava-Vožnja po pistama [Zeljava Runway drive] (15.07.2007.)"
-aded 2 videos; "Mig21-JRV-125.th fighting SQDN (2)" i "Željava-Vožnja po pistama [Zeljava Runway drive] (15.07.2007.).

-dodan YT video "Mig-21BIS Croatian Air Force" na podstranicu "Mig-21 video"
-aded YT video "Mig-21BIS Crroatian Air Force" on the subpage "Mig-21 video"

-dodan "peak oil" i klasicni sat na index stranicu
-aded "peak oil" and classic watch on the index page

-dodana foto-reportaža Damira S. (iz Bihaća) na podstranicu "Aerodrom danas"o prilaznim cestama (prema aerodromu) i pistama na BiH strani
-aded photo-story of the Damir S. (from Bihac) on the subpage "Airfield now" about access roads (to the airfield) and runways on the Bosnian side

-dodan YT video "Mig-21,F-14 &F-18 HRZ & USAF joint operations" i "Mig-21 & F-18 part II" na podstranicu "Mig-21 video"
-aded YT video "Mig-21,F-14 &F-18 HRZ & USAF joint operations" and "Mig-21 & F-18 part II" on the subpage "Mig-21 video" 13.08.2007.

-dodano upozorenje o minama na index stranicu
-dodane slike sa www.zeljava.com na podstranicu ""Aerodrom nekad"
-dodane slike okna lifta za kontrolni toranj autora LESPGH na podstranicu "Kontrolni toranj"
-aded mine warning on the index page
-aded pictures from www.zeljava.com on the subpage "Airfield before"
-aded pictures of the elevator shaft from the author LESPGH on the subpage "Control tower "

-dodan YouTube Željava videoplayer na LYBI-home index stranicu
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
-omogućeno gledanje-download videa u visokoj rezoluciji sa video servisa
-svi dosadašnje video snimke sa YouTube-a ili Google Videa koje budu pokraj sebe imale ovu Stage6 ikonu će biti dostupne i u visokoj rezoluciji
-added YouTube Zeljava video player on the LYBI-home index page
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

-made possible watching-download videos in high resolution from video service
-all present videos from YouTube or Google Video who have Stage6 icon beside are available in high resolution

-dodana Google Video snimka "Aerodrom Željava 2007" na podstranicu "Aerodrom danas"
-započelo sklanjanje d-load linkova na servis MyDataBus zbog toga što ne nudi više besplatne usluge

-aded Google Video footage "Airfield Zeljava 2007" on the subpage "Airfield now"
-begining of removing the d-load links from MyDataBus service because they don't offer free service anymore

-dodana masa novih podataka o Kontrolnom tornju zahvaljujući LupusREBEL-u koji se popeo tamo
-dodano svjedočenje autora Blake-a na podstranici "Svjedočenja"
-otvoren novi Forum
-aded many new data about Control tower thanks to LupusREBEL who's climb there
-aded testimony from the author Blake on the subpage "Testimonys"
-new Forum is open now

-stranica premještena na novi server
www.zeljava-lybi.com ... www.zeljava-lybi.info
-the page is set on the new server

-dodan brojač posjeta

-added visit counter

-dodan video "Zeljava-Runway Drive 2 (10-2007)" na podstranicu "Aerodrom danas"
-aded video "Zeljava-Runway Drive 2 (10-2007)" on the subpage "Airfield today"

29.05.2008. BIG UPDATE
-dodan nove podstranice "Interaktivna schema", "Aretfakti" i "FSX scenery LYBI"
-napravljena nove shema objekta Klek u flashu
-dodan velik broj fotografija (i povezano sa shemom) na podstranicu "Fotografije"
-dodano dosta novih video snimaka (i povezano sa shemom) današnjeg stanja (2007/2008)
-aded new subpages "Interactive schema", "Artifacts" and "FSX scenery LYBI"
-new schema of the underground facility "KLEK" is available
-added many new photos (and linked with schema) on the subpage "Photographs"
-added many new video materials (and linked with schema) of the present state (2007/2008)

-dodano nekoliko videa na podstranicu "Fotografije"
-aded few videos on the subpage "Photographs"

-popravljeni neki linkovi
-dodane fotografije 2 diorame strastveng ljubitelja teme Željava, gospodina S.G.
-fixed some hyper-links
-added pics of the 2 dioramas from the passionate Zeljava fan Mr. S.G.

-dodani brojni novi foto-video i GoogleMaps materijali na podstranice"Fotografije" i "Aerodrom sada"
-preuređen dio sa fotografijama "Fotografije"
-dodane nove fotografije diorama
-Added numerous new photo-video and GoogleMaps materials on the subpages "Photographs" and "Airfield now"
-rearanged subpage "Photographs"
-added new photos of the dioramas

-dodan meteogram za područje Željave na index stranicu
-dodano par novih d-load linkova za video snimke
-aded meteogram for Zeljava area on the index page
-aded few downlad links for video recordings

-dodana panorama Plitvičkih jezera na podstranicu "Fotografije"
-aded panorama of the Plitvice lakes on the subpage "Photographs"

-dodane 2 nove panorame na podstranicu "Fotografije"
-dopunjeno sigurnosno upozorenje
-aded 2 new panoramas on the subpage "Photographs"
-updated security warning

-dodana novi set fotografija iz 12.mjeseca 2008. na podstranicu "Fotografije"
-aded new set of photographs from december 2008. on the subpage "Photographs"

-dodana nova podstranice "Elektro vozila za vucu" i "Plješevica-padina" (bez sadržaja za sada)
-aded new subpages "Electric towing vehicles" (only croatian language for now) and "Pljesevica-slope" (no content for now)

-dodani novi foto-(HD)video materijali iz 1. i 3. mjeseca 2009

-aded new photo-(HD)video materials from January and March 2009

-dodani neki foto-HDvideo materijali na podstranicu "Fotografije"
-aded some photo-HDvideo materials on the subpage "Photographs"

-zahvaljujući EX_Fishbedu No.101 dodani do sada neviđeni foto-video materijali iz operativne faze Željave na index stranicu
-dodana 3 video snimke LYBI ekipe iz 2009 sa lokacije na index stranicu
-dodan FSX video snimljen na virtuelnoj Željavi na podstranicu "FSX scenery LYBI"
-thanks to EX_Fishbed No.101 added some highly exclusive, unseen, photo-video footage from operatonal time of the Zeljava on the index page
-added 3 on-location video footage taken by LYBI team during 2009
-added FSX video recorded on the virtual Zeljava on the subpage "FSX scenery LYBI"

-popravljene i dodane neke nove fotografije na podstranicu "Aerodrom-nekada"
-fixed and added some new photos on the subpage "Airfield before "

-dodani neki foto-HDvideo materijali na podstranicu "Fotografije"
-aded some photo-HDvideo materials on the subpage "Photographs"

-dodani neki foto materijali na podstranicu "Fotografije"
-aded some photo materials on the subpage "Photographs"

-dodani neki video materijali na index stranicu
-dodano istraživanje o toksikološkoj situaciji u objektu danas (2008)
-popravljena podstranica "Linkovi"
-popravljene neke greške..ne sve
-aded some video footage on the index pages
-added research about toxicological situation in thefacility today (2008)(non-english)
-fixed subpage "Links"
-fixed some bugs...not alll

-dodana podstranica sa sjećanjem na našeg prijatelja Roberta
-popravljeno (ili maknuto) puno linkova koji nisu radili
-sadržaj podijeljen na više podstranica
-dodane neke nove podstranice
-dodano još foto-video materijala iz operativne faze
-added subpages with the memory of our friend Robert
-repaired (or removed) lots of links that are not working
-content divided into several subpages
-added some new subpages
-added more photo-video materials from the operational phase

-dodan video sa novootkrivenim materijalima iz Hrvatskog državnog arhiva (HDA)
-taj video ujedno i prezentira višegodišnji istraživači rad članova LYBI grupe koji vode ovu stranicu
-dodana nova shema zone zrakoplovne baze
-aded video with newly discovered materials from Croatian State Archive (CSA)
-this video also presents perennial research work of LYBI group members who run this page
-added new scheme of the airbase zone

-dodan foto-slideshow sa novootkrivenim materijalima iz Hrvatskog državnog arhiva (HDA)
-aded photo-slideshow with newly discovered materials from Croatian State Archive (CSA)